Saturday, October 13, 2012

Well Rounded?

Before I (Josh) was born, my mother would pray that I would be a "well rounded" individual. This does not mean that she wanted us to be average at everything, but simply that we would do well in all things. I am thankful for her prayers, training, and love. But just how "well-rounded" am I, really?

26 years later, I can confidently say that I am still working on this. I am a "jack of all trades, but master of none." The training I am currently receiving at Brentwood Baptist Church is laying me bare before myself, my family, and my instructor. I am realizing the things that I am better at, as well as the areas where I am found lacking.

There have been many times in my life where I have excelled in different areas such as spiritual disciplines, physical wellness, work productivity, and family life. Sadly, there have been few times in which I have excelled in all of these at the same time. The church planter residency here at Brentwood is focused on the whole man. This is exactly what I need. While realizing my shortcomings can be disheartening, I am excited about the areas of growth that I am already seeing. I eagerly look forward to the rest of this process. I know it is making me a better husband, father, pastor, leader, and friend.

My mom has been working me over for 26 years. I guess it takes longer for some of us than others.

We greatly appreciate your prayers for our family. Thank you for your friendships!
To all our financial partners...Thank you for your generous gifts. Your gifts are allowing us to continue to prepare for the work of church planting that God has prepared for us.

Many Blessings,

I am thankful for the Church Multiplication Pastor (Residency Director) Bob Carlton for his continued prodding, encouragement, exhortation and occasional rebuking that I need. Love you man!

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