Sunday, July 29, 2012

NashVegas bound, part 2

Sooo....we moved in on July 23rd (this past Monday)!! And by "we," I mean Josh, Micah, myself, and that's it.

And by "that's it," I mean....our stuff has not made it here yet! Camping, yet again, in a big empty apartment. Nothing to do but twiddle thumbs, clean the kitchen for the umpteenth time, and play beach ball soccer in the living room. It has a perfect doorway for a goal.

Our stuff SHOULD be coming in the next day or two. Legally, the movers have until August 5th. I sure hope they don't wait that long.

Here are the implications for us, though.

We, on occasion, complain or whine about our furniture and housewares. Our couch is small, the blue chair gives you a backache, the knobs are breaking off of our television stand, and our dining room chairs don't fit well under the table. You name it, we've complained about it.

It's funny how a week with nothing completely changes your outlook. While I sit on the hard kitchen floor at meal times with my mug and plastic fork, I dream of my dining room table with the upholstered chairs. I deeply desire my chipped glasses and solid silverware. While I'm laying on the air bed in times of leisure and sleep, I long for my IKEA couch that cradled this newly-pregnant mom-to-be to sleep many moons ago. I pine for my squishy, smushy, soft mattress. While I scan Netflix for the next documentary, I yearn for that worn-in blue chair with its perfect ottoman on which to place my feet. 

God is teaching us contentment.

Providence has been evident this past week through friends opening their home to us. This allowed us to sleep in a bed, wash our clothes, and snuggle with some sweet dogs. We have had some tremendous meals and gotten some much-needed rest. Thanks, Carlton's!

Josh leaves for the Send North America Conference in Atlanta tomorrow afternoon. Micah and I will be holding down the fort! We may go park-exploring. :)

Until next time, friends! -Sarah


  1. Awesome read! Sarah, you're an awesome writer. Glad things are going well for y'all in Nashville, and y'all are even learning things from not having furniture. I'll be in those shoes when I go back up to college. My apartment won't be available until Labor day weekend, so I'll be camping out on my roommate's floor for two weeks and living out of a suitcase. Love y'all miss y'all!

  2. I love camping, cause you really get to know who people really are, away from their comforts. Be careful who you tell about being home alone, unless your good with a shot gun :). Praying for protection and blessing over your new home!

    Sean Slavin
