Saturday, July 21, 2012

NashVegas bound, part 1.

As I sit here in our hotel in Kansas City, I'm thinking back on our past few days. They went like this...

     The movers came to load up our stuff. Micah and I went errand-running to keep him from being underfoot like he loves to be. When we got home, Micah had a tremendous amount of room to run around, though not much to climb on. Thursday commenced our indoor, at-home camping experience.

     We woke up at 5:30 (as says Micah's biological clock...) and ate breakfast. We spent the morning cleaning, then decided to drive around and spend our spare change on a McDonald's hot fudge sundae to share. Micah and I napped for a couple of the afternoon hours while Josh caught up on some Launch tasks. We bought a Little Ceasar's pizza for dinner with more of our spare change, feasted, did cartwheels in our living room, swung on the tree swing out front, then put Micah down.
     Josh and I loaded up most of our luggage and last-minute take-along items, then went to bed. As we layed there, Josh asked me, "what is one thing you've learned about God during our time in Fort Collins?" I answered that God has proven himself to be a promise-keeper and a provider. Josh said that God cares more about him looking like Jesus than his ministry success. If moving to Fort Collins is what was needed for further sanctification, then we were happy to obey God's call.

     Micah woke us up at 5:30 again, which was perfect because we planned to leave at 6:00 a.m. I fed Micah a banana and got him dressed, Josh took care of loading the pack-n-play and airbed, and we made our last round through the house. Adrian and Cady met us in the dining room and we said our good-byes. I am terrible at good-byes! I immediately started bawling. The Pena's have been incredible friends and roommates. We have all grown very close; therefore, it was tough to leave. As we walked out the door and loaded Micah up into the car, the tears didn't stop. As we drove down the driveway and waved a final adios to our dear friends, Josh's tears began. What was going on?! We didn't cry when we moved away from our home state and family...what was different about this time? God has been so much more real and present in our lives in this place. Fort Collins was a time of great challenge for us, but also a time of great blessing. It was here that Josh's character was sent to the Refiner's fire. It was here that God's call on the life of our family was refined and made clearer. It was here that our family grew with the addition of our precious son. For all of these things, we are deeply thankful.

So what now? We made the across eastern Colorado (not much to write home about) and Kansas (which got better as we drove east) and are stopped in Missouri for the night. We ate at a fantastic barbeque joint, endorsed by Anthony Bourdain himself - Oklahoma Joe's. No kidding, it's in a Sinclair gas station! The line wasn't quite around the building when we arrived, so we only had about a 30-45 minute wait. My brisket was great, and Josh got a Z-Man sandwich. Delicious!! Tomorrow, we head 8 hours southeast to Clarksville, then to Nashville on Monday morning to move in to our new place!

Stay tuned for our arrival and news of our first week in our new home - Nashville!


1 comment:

  1. What a story, praying for safe travels for yall. We love yall and hope to see yall again soon! :)
