Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Those who have gone before us... Blessings or Road Blocks?

I have to begin this post by admitting that any success I have had in my life has first and foremost come from Jesus Christ. Without Him, I can do nothing of spiritual value (John 15:5). With this being said, there is no way that I can measure the significant role that mentors/disciple makers have played in my life. I have learned first hand that spiritual growth happens best in the context of mentoring/disciple-making relationships. Especially when those who are pouring into me have already walked down the same path. However, I can also tell you a few stories about those who have "gone before me", yet have chosen to not use their position, authority, contacts, knowledge, etc to bless those coming behind them in times of need.  I will decide how to share some of those stories soon, but desire to do so in a godly way. Therefore, I will be sharing the blessings today.

I have had more privileges than most, especially in the area of Kingdom-minded mentors. From birth, I was raised in a godly home. My family lived with my maternal grandparents for years. They were the first of many that poured into my life. Because of their strong love for and commitment to Jesus, I came to know Christ at the age of seven. My grandparents have tons of experience, specifically in the areas of church planting and church leadership. They have always blessed me throughout my life in every way imaginable. They have given everything from marriage advice and counseling to ministry coaching. Although they are retired, they continue to remain Kingdom focused. They know that life and ministry did not start with them, and will not end with them. They understand that their experiences, time, money, contacts and anything else is God's. They freely give these things back because of their KINGDOM perspective.

When I began my 1st ministry position at 19 years old, It was in a time of transition for the church I was serving. I found myself in the middle of pastoral changes almost from the top down. What should have been a time of learning and growing quickly became a time of doing and booing. I found myself doing, while some were booing. Not everyone at this church was booing, in fact there were only a few, but to a 19 year old boy/man, I was confused and hurt. You may be saying, "Josh, you have this paragraph under the blessing heading", and you would be right. There was a young man in his mid to late 20's who was on staff at another church in our city. He saw the things that I was going through and took it upon himself to be a blessing. He met with me on a weekly basis for nearly a year. He taught me how to teach the bible, as well as how to deal with some of the situations I found myself in. This young man had many people lining up at his door begging for attention. It would have been easy to watch me flounder from afar. It probably would have been more pride-stroking for him to spend time with those who wanted to be seen with him. Yet, this young man understood that the Kingdom of God was greater than himself and his church.
Eventually, this church that I had the privilege of serving hired several incredible pastors. These men have remembered what it was like to be a "young gun". The lead pastor and executive pastor quickly took me under their wings. I still have great relationships with these men today. They continue to bless my life, family, and ministry to this day. KINGDOM!

While attending seminary, God brought an Apostle Paul into my life. A man in his 70's began teaching at SWBTS. He, better than anyone else I have ever known, gets disciple-making. This man taught me how to first and foremost love Jesus and grow in Christ-likeness. He helped implement spiritual disciplines in my life. He also taught me how to make disciples. This man has helped me raise financial support, find a job, and work through my calling to church planting. This man is one of those men who thousands of people would love 5 minutes alone with. This man chose to give me his life. I have spent hundreds of hours with this man. I am humbled by the fact that God would bless me to spend time with this man. I am blown away that this man would choose to spend his valuable time on me. This man's life preaches the Gospel. It would have been easy for a man like this to simply overlook a young seminarian such as myself. This man is KINGDOM focused, and therefore chooses not to rest in his life's work, but to continue to be used by God by investing everything into the generations that have come behind him.

By the grace of God I could continue writing about more men who have blessed my life and lead back into my generation. Men such as one of my best friends who, due to his experiences and family history, has been positioned to do great things for the SBC convention and, more importantly, the Kindgom of God. Or the church planter who has been a coach and mentor to me over the past year and half.

If you have not yet realized the re-occurring theme in the lives of those who I have written about above, here it is. KINGDOM minded. The one thing that separates those that bless from those that block is their focus. Those that understand that life is about God's glory and His kingdom, instead of our glory and our kingdom, are used by God to bless others. My hope is that I will forever be KINGDOM focused, so that my life can be used by God exponentially. I realized this past week when speaking with a younger family that is about to begin support raising that we have to begin leading back now.

How have you been living your life? Would you find your name on someone's bless list, or road block list? Let's all agree to get over ourselves and begin doing whatever we can to bless others. We must be focused on God's kingdom, because it is the only one that will remain standing in the end. God will accomplish His work - with or without us.

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